Author Craig D. Lounsbrough once said, "If my heart is set on pursuing real treasures, my mind must be fixed solely on the privilege of enjoying them and freed of the obsession of owning them."
He has a point – we are obsessed with trying to capture and bottle each and every fleeting thing, fleeting moment – but as much as we try, we always know nothing in this life can be held on to. And with that, I want to share a few of my must-have favorite things to have but not own. That brings me pleasure, but I know it is fleeting - this is where the treasures lie.
A coffee from a coffee shop. Most days, you'll find me brewing a cup from an instapot. But on Saturday mornings, there are few things I enjoy more than walking up the street with my partner for a perfectly crafted coffee. While it is more costly, the cost is worth it for the experience of enjoying the time with my partner and enjoying the craft, the entire process that went into that cup. The growing, roasting, bagging, shipping, delivering, grinding, and pressing of those beans. All so I can have a few minutes of bliss – is a process to not underappreciate. For many, it is a labor of love. No home-owned espresso machine can replace this experience.
A perfect scented candle. I do not buy candles to display in my house without burning them. A scented candle is a simple pleasure in life. I burn one every night for the joy of experiencing its warm flickering and the aroma enriched by the oils it swims in. I cannot get enough of Mad Et Len SCENTED CANDLES | MAD ET LEN. Are they a bit spendy? Yes, but I have never had a candle that held a candle (ha) to this one. It truly made my entire house smell like bliss. No, I am not a sponsor!
A bouquet of flowers. As a Seattlite, I am blessed to be surrounded by readily available flowers nearly all year round for very affordable costs. But I get this is not usually the case living in other cities - it definitely was not the case growing up in Colorado as I did. As an adult, though, I have come to realize the immense value of having a bouquet of flowers in your home just for the sake of having them. They bring assurance that life must be pretty alright. They are also quite romantic, even just to enjoy their sensuous colors, shapes, and smells. They pep up any space they are in. And they bring a joy that cannot be brought on by any other decorative items. If you're looking to score affordable flowers, my recommendation is to go to a local Trader Joe's (apologies if you don't have one of these!). They always have the most reasonable prices on flowers. If you're willing to assemble and get creative with making a bouquet yourself, the options are endless!
A sea sponge. Nature has a way of producing things perfectly. A game changer for my shower routine was getting a natural sea sponge. I use it to carefully exfoliate my face (goodbye face products and cleansers!). This really gets all the dead skin off gently without bothering my skin. Bonus, it's also great for all over your body before shaving to prevent bumps or ingrown hairs. It also looks lovely in a bathroom – just make sure you find a dry space to house it when not in use.
A cat (or dog, if that's your thing). A pet of any kind, really! I just happen to be a cat person. But honestly, owning a pet has given me the deepest and truest treasures of life while simultaneously teaching me the valuable lesson of letting go. Few things in life compare to a bond shared with an animal. They truly bring the most joy there is. And they teach us the best things in life aren't things but the presence of love, comfort, and support.
Handmade soap. We like to buy ours from the local market that pops up Sundays. Not only is this a way to support a local artisan, but in my experience, these soaps end up being far superior to anything store-bought. Promise me you won't be one of those people who keeps pretty soaps in the bathroom without using them. They are meant to be enjoyed. Think of having a zen moment each time you wash your hands – enjoying the warmth of the water, the scent of the soap, and the comfort of your own touch.
Making a meal from a recipe. This one incorporates an act of self-love (or love to another if you are feeding others too). It takes care of an essential need (to nourish yourself). It sparks both the creative and logical side. It takes effort to gather ingredients, determine which are just right, carefully prep them, and then pay close attention while bringing them all together. Few pleasures in life compare to enjoying a meal, and few bring people together the way eating a hand prepared meal. The secret ingredient is love, of course.
Taking a vacation – or having an experience. Our jobs and everyday obligations are essential – but what is this life without taking time to enjoy life's pleasure? This does not require a plane ticket or a costly hotel room. Sometimes all it takes is finding a new way to enjoy the place you live. I recall a quote that said, "new perspective comes not from seeing new landscapes, but from having new eyes." I think of getting in my car and driving to a woodsy place to camp for the night. Or walking by foot to public transport and letting it take me somewhere new in the city I've yet to experience up-close. After all, the actual value of vacationing is the refresh it brings us by allowing us to have new experiences.